Friday, October 8, 2010

Response Post: The Belief In...

Quite frankly our life can be a little boring. And perhaps my inclination to think that there is more out there (wherever that is) comes from the fact that I can feel like our life is less boring if there is something mysterious and new out there (again, wherever that is). Sometimes I don't think life is boring at all, but during the times I feel like all we do is breath, eat, sleep, work, play, die, and other things, I think that life can seem pretty boring. So I start to think about additional realities hidden behind reflections, I think about if your soul flies out of your body when you die, and if love is an actual bond that two people can share without question, or if it's just a masked heart breaker that a few of the freshmen know about and I don't.  - Amber Gomez
 At the age of fifteen, there is only so much I can do with my life; especially living in a home under extraordinarily protective parents. I am of the same mind/opinion as Amber; life is boring, but to what extent can we go to change it?

My weekly ritual consists of: waking up, going to school, coming home to do homework, and sleeping. Throw a few snack breaks in and you have my life Mon-Fri. Saturday and Sunday, never too much thrill out of those days either.

When people submit themselves to a constant, tedious, uninterestingunexcitinguninspiringunstimulated life, they can collapse under such boredum. The one thing that saves them (along with myself, and Amber) from absolute desolation, is the belief that there is something inexplicably remarkable in the world, that we can one day get to. Day to day we console in ourselves. We say that it will one day change; that one day we will discover the answer to a hidden question; that one day life will reveal a new significance; that one day we will satisfy our curiosties.

I tell myself life isn't so bad. It could be worse right? 

Amber and I allow ourselves to think about the impossible, or the unanswered, or the ignored, aspects of life. It reminds us that, yes, life can be and is boring; but we know how to look through and beyond that.

Great blog Amber, I loved it :)

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