Thursday, October 7, 2010

"So where is He...?"

The idea of religion makes a big impact in the story Night, as well as society today. 

When tragedies occur, when things go wrong, or life is downright unfair, people ask, "Where is God when we need him?" The idea that God is all-knowing and all-powerful leads his followers to believe that life will be right with him in charge. This entitles the assumption all misery can be restored by Him alone.

Elie, from Night, had questionable feelings about his religion and the purpose in praying. Though he believed in his religion and conformed with it immensely, he was uncertain why. By this time, Elie was in the concentration camp with numerous others. He confirmed his rebellious feelings toward God after he was separated from his family, witnessed deaths by massive numbers, and had his property, religion, and identity stripped away from him. For the first time, Elie felt revolt inside him. "Why should I bless His name? The Eternal, Lord of the Universe, the All-Powerful and Terrible, was silent. What had I to thank Him for? (pg. 31 par. 4)" In his eyes, if there truly was a God, he was forsaken by Him.

I personally have had mixed feelings on the idea of religion. People claim that "everything happens for a reason" or "God makes things happen for a reason"; in other words, all occurrences happen intentionally. What puzzles me is, when do we find out that reason?

The idea of God is a controversial one, so take no offense on anything I ask or say.

What I believe society does (those who are religious, of course) is allow their life to be run by the belief that there is a supernatural being, in the sky, watching and controlling their lives. That concept, personally, scares me.

If there truly is a God up there, do we really want to believe (s)he has complete jurisdiction over lives, and scrutinizes our every mistake? And, if God permits or generates the most unfortunate of events, what is our praise and faith really doing for us? Do all people believe dreadful; events aren't so bad, because God commands them or authorizes them to be done? And if God controls the Earth, why isn't the world in peace like we so desperately want it to be? 

I can go on for days with questions that may or may not have answers, but I wrote this post in relation to Night, as well as to get some sort of response.

Have fun.

1 comment:

  1. Ruby! I responded:)
