Friday, January 14, 2011

Facebook Is Annoying.

Facebook always has the news, the lowdown, the scoop – everything you want or may not want to, need to, and should know. You can't hide anything from Facebook (or people on Facebook), because it knows and tells all. It will become one of your main sources of communication. Everyone gets addicted to it at some point, even if they don't know it. Your friends, family, co-workers, enemies, they are all on Facebook. Facebook is life, to some people. To me?

I despise Facebook. If people didn't depend so much on getting in contact with me through Facebook, I would have deleted my account long ago. Why don't like it? Because I do not care if people changed their profile picture. I don’t care who they’re friends with, or whose wall they wrote on, or whose picture they liked. I don’t care what quiz someone took that told them what crayon color they are or what animal they are. I don’t care if someone just ate a bagel, I don’t care if they just got out the shower and they’re cold. I don't need to know what pictures people were tagged in if they're in a complicated relationship. I don't care.

I may sound agitated or dismayed, but Facebook has reached my last nerve. I never even wanted to make a Facebook account; I seen everyone else with one, and I thought, “Why do I need to be like everyone else? I see these people at school every day, I don't need to be on any more social networks.” At some point however, a friend convinced me to at least make an account, even if I never signed on again – so I did. Instantly, almost like some kind of magic, I had friend requests and suggestions for friends from those People You May Know things. So, I proceeded to add friends and update information and put pictures and blah blah blah.

A few months passed – I couldn't stay off Facebook to save my life. Day and night, I was always creepin' on someone's profile or uploading pictures or updating status after status, or finding old friends and chatting, etc. This school year though, I realized that I am just pretty fed up.

Everywhere – and I mean everywhere – I see drama, or BS, or ignorance, or something just plain stupid. People seem so different on the internet than in real life. Sadly, and everyone should know this, Facebook has officially turned into another Myspace - full of illiteracy, stupidity, commotion, and anything else you could think of. A lot of the drama that happens in school, starts on Facebook, which many of you know.

This was just a rant, but you all should think about what you're really doing with your life on Facebook all day. You know, when you apply for a job, they look you up n Facebook to see who you really are? Think about that.

1 comment:

  1. i responded
