I have a huge problem with just about everything said in this post. Yes, everyone has a right to say what they believe and yadda yadda yadda, but I need to say something about this post. Lhadze, I hope you read this.
First off, I disagree with placing labels on people. Someone can put a "definition" on the fashion style itself (whomever does it in the first place and why), but who says that if I wear saggy pants and a black hoodie everyday, I'm automatically a gangster? What if I wear preppy clothes one day, then hipster the next? Do I have multiple personalities? I wouldn't think so.
Lhadze says,
Most real scene kids wear Gloomy Bear, Hello Kitty, Invader Grim, Metal band shirts. They wear anything from skirts, shorts and fishnets to skinnes or just leggings ripped. Scene kids love listening to heavily stylized music like crunk core. They tend to try out the newest fashion, and add their own style to it to own what they wear.
Okay, so this is Lhadze's generalized definition of the Scene style, or how she dresses herself. Fine. But then she says,
I guess I have more of a right to say I'm scene. Cause all you people who say "I'm Scene" your all posers...next time you think your scene and you try to ruin your hair and look kinda weird take it from someone who knows, if you know your not comfortable wearing a style you think is cute, but highly competitive, rethink it.
What I find most infelicitous about what she says, is the contradiction between her statements. She claims that people who have the scene style add their own flare, but controverts it by saying anyone who doesn't meet the “requirements” of being scene, is a poser. If at all, she shouldn't criticize someone who has adopted the scene style in any way – she should in fact, praise it, because if what she said in her blog is true, those two should have much in common.
I can rant on forever, and not nicely, plus I passed the word limit but my point is that style can relate to one's personality, but it does not define it. Each person has a distinctive character, most often one that no other person has. If one person is different from another, why denigrate them?
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