Friday, November 5, 2010

Not In the Mood for A Response Post

      After aimlessly searching, Kaila Belgarde's post caught my weary eyes with something like this:
There are two ways to handle situations in life; you can do things on your own or you can do what everyone else is doing.  I think that depending on the situation either can be a good idea. Doing things own your own is a good thing.  You learn independence and responsibility. Doing things on your own allows you to make wise decisions about things you do that can majorly affect your life. Unfortunately a lot of people are incapable of making their own decision and are forced to rely upon the capacity of others.  This can sometimes get people into trouble...In doing things on your own you can kind of learn from your mistakes and get a better sense of what the world is like for yourself.  You can also rely on our own knowledge and not have to go to others to ask.
      Making the decision to be independent or to be a follower is much harder than it may seem. And this concept can apply to anything: for example, style of clothes. People have this obsession with Hollister clothes now, and when I ask people who have never worn it before that wear it now, I get responses like "Oh, I don't know. My friends were wearing it and I liked the style."

      Independence and responsibility rely on the person's ability to understand that it is important to develop leadership skills. Sometimes when one does things on their own, they can learn the hard way not to do them again, so maybe in this instance it is better to do that something with a friend. On the other hand, learning the hard way once allows one to educate others not to follow suit. Is that good? I think it is.

      My writing sucks. But I really liked Kaila's honesty and analysis on the idea of a leader versus a follower. I can expand better, at a different time.

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