Monday, September 20, 2010

Atlanta Riot of 1906 - The Cover-Up

Saturday, September 22nd, 1906 - the day thousands of white people joined together with pitch forks, guns, knives and their fists, and began attacking and killing every single African-American that was unfortunate to be in the downtown area of Atlanta. Every black person in sight was attacked with no mercy - all men, women, and even young children were clubbed to death my the mob of brutal whites. The violence continued for four long days, and although there were many more, only twelve blacks and two whites were announced dead. Not a single white person was punished.

Many local leaders covered up the extent of the crimes that were done and would not report the real amount of deaths, hoping to preserve Atlanta's reputation as a progressive place to live and do business. Because the heart of Atlanta had very high-rise banks and office buildings, it attracted many poor black people wanting better jobs and a better lifestyle for their loved ones. After a while, Atlanta had the largest black middle-class in America. There were also a few wealthy black Atlantans. The mob trashed it all. Blacks riding down the streets in cars were pulled out, beaten, and killed. Blacks who ran businesses had their shops dismantled and they too, were beaten to death. They destroyed nice houses and college universities, and assaulted every black person without warning. Had this gotten out into the public, Atlanta's reputation would have only been further damaged, which meant the economy would have slowly but surely began to collapse.

People don't think about the historical events that make up everything about them and this world; who we are, where we live, and where we come from. The Atlanta riot of 1906 molded change for all people of color because for hundreds of years those people have been discriminated, and taunted and brutalized by white people, and over those years they have prospered from it. African-Americans have risen above the hate and animosity that has been catapulted at them for many years, and used it to better themselves as people. Because they have not forgotten the past, all people of color have been able to live their lives as proud people. Society is made up of history, and when we don't know the basic facts of that history, we find ourselves trapped in the present day pop-culture world, oblivious to reality.

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