Friday, September 24, 2010

"Oh no that n**** didn't!" - Response Post

As the general public has made it to be - and in my own opinion - white people cannot say the N-word. Ale'ah Baaqee wrote in her blog:

“you can’t say that, your not black”, and then the [white] student said “Why not? If black people call themselves that than why can’t I” That’s when the debating started.

Any person with a common sense is conscious of the reality that white people are just forbidden from ever letting the N-word leave their lips - at least not when a black person is around. Where the debate begins is the differentiation between "nigga" and "nigger". What is okay and what is not?

The word "nigger" - as we all know - derived over two centuries ago. It was used throughout and long after slavery, as a derogatory word against African-Americans. For 200 years black people endured verbal abuse from white people, then in several decades to follow they battled to stop it.
Nigga on the other hand, is just a term used to address a friend; such as "patna", "homie", or "brah".

What bemuses me though, is why did our race fight for so long against this word and the terror behind it, only to persistently use it in our daily lives?
What inside gets us so dismayed when a non-African American uses it? I forced myself to envisage it...

Think about this: females call each other bitch all the time, no drama. Do we get frantic about it? No.
But the second a man calls a female a bitch, all hell breaks loose. 
Black people call each other nigga on a daily basis. But dare I say a white person does it, it's all bad. Some black people even get mad if another black person calls them "nigger", not nigga.
You see my parallelism there?

There is indubitably a distinction between saying "nigga", and "nigger", no matter whose mouth it leaves.
Personally, anybody who knows me knows that I do have a tendency to use the word nigga often. It is appalling and unacceptable and I am not proud of it, but whatever. According to most people, its only okay because I'm black. Does that make it okay for me to call my friend a bitch because I'm a girl? 

We - as in everybody - constantly use offensive words as common language, but turn around and get mad at the next person for doing the same thing. It's hypocritical.

The point of my response is: I personally do not believe it is acceptable for white people to use the N-word under any circumstances. Though, I question black people's use for it as well.

Think about THAT.

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