Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Ruby & Pedro - Opening Statement: Con - Born Gay?

Is sexual orientation determined at birth? We believe it is not.
A person’s sexual orientation is not determined at birth, but it is simply shaped at an early age, possibly when the person has begun to reach puberty, or as early as they can communicate with peers.There are several arguments against our speculation of the matter, but here are a few of ours:

The word 'gay' has been used time and time again in the most negative form possible. Since society has welcomed this, homosexuality is now something that is frowned upon, and ridiculed. Most people who have had homosexual thoughts or feelings shun them and neglect them because they do not want to become the outcast in society's perfect aristocracy of people. Does this not make homosexuality a decision? Or make it able to control/change? Some say that homosexuality is not a choice, but so far no study has proven that to be true. 

Also, many say that children who have gay/lesbian relatives can carry the “gay gene”, but this statement is false. First off, what if there are no homosexuals in their ancestry? Second, there is no medical test for locating the gay gene. There is no scientific evidence or DNA test for sexual orientation. It is even difficult to see how the the gene could survive the gene pool over a period of time. Absolutely no research has been proven to support this claim. 

Another, is that homosexual emotions/actions can be mimicked or influential on a vulnerable mind. Even if a person is born straight, experimentation or curiosity can no doubt lead to being gay/lesbian.

Homosexuality, bisexuality, asexuality, is a choice. So bring it on.

- Ruby Rew & Pedro Vargas

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